What is the salary range for art therapists working in Georgia?
Salary ranges vary depeneding on where and how you work as an art therapist.
As of 2008, salaries offered by facilities employing full time art therapists typically run from $33,000-$65.000. The top end salaries are usually offered to those having a Master’s degree and an ATR or ATR-BC and is based upon experience. Most of these positions include benefits of some kind.
Independent contracting and consulting rates typically range from $25-$250.
Private Practice rates typically range from $60-$170 per hour for individual art therapy sessions. Rates for couples, families and groups vary.
As of 2008, salaries offered by facilities employing full time art therapists typically run from $33,000-$65.000. The top end salaries are usually offered to those having a Master’s degree and an ATR or ATR-BC and is based upon experience. Most of these positions include benefits of some kind.
Independent contracting and consulting rates typically range from $25-$250.
Private Practice rates typically range from $60-$170 per hour for individual art therapy sessions. Rates for couples, families and groups vary.